Monday, December 16, 2013

Core Revision Proposal: Discuss!

Here is the Core Curriculum Planning Committee's notice to USD faculty, with links to reports for discussion! Anyone can comment below. If you'd like me to put you on as a contributor, so that you can initiate discussions, please email me, I've asked Kristen Moran, Chair of the CPC who sent this notice, to send a further notice to faculty to make them aware of their forum for discussion and encourage participation.

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we present to you the Core Planning Committee’s recommendation for the new core curriculum at the University of San Diego. Please click on the following links to access the reports: Summary Core Proposal.pdf , Academic Integration Report.pdf, Breadth Committee Report.pdf , Catholic Intellectual Tradition Report.pdf, and Core Competencies Report.pdf. In addition, you may review the report from the Task Force on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and the Core from Fall 2012 (Task Force Report.pdf).

Over the past three years, faculty from undergraduate programs across the units have worked diligently to research various structures of core curricula at many universities. Keeping in mind the mission of USD and our commitment to the liberal arts, faculty weighed options for the best core curriculum for USD students.

The proposed core model is a product of much deliberation, taking into account many possible variations as well as intended and unintended consequences of various scenarios. The majority of faculty on the CPC agree that this proposed model is the best approach for USD students at this time. It offers significant changes, but is conscientious of the traditions of USD.

The new core curriculum presents exciting opportunities for students and faculty. Students will be empowered to make choices that fit within their interests, but are also guided to ensure exposure to the foundational knowledge that is key to a liberal arts education. Students will have opportunities to integrate and synthesize core knowledge and experiences in ways that will deepen their learning. The smaller core will allow students to choose more electives, alleviating the pressure to make sure everything “counts.”

Faculty will have more opportunities to offer courses in the new core by changing the breadth categories to “modes of inquiry” and by identifying competencies that are already present in many courses. Further, the new core will allow faculty to connect with others through the integration seminar. There will be support for faculty as they engage with the new core.

We firmly believe that the new core curriculum will enrich the undergraduate experience at USD.

During the next few months faculty will have many opportunities to offer feedback to CPC representatives regarding the recommendations. The proposal will be formally reviewed by the appropriate governance bodies including curriculum committees in each unit, faculty bodies in each unit and the University Senate before being forwarded to the Board of Trustees and the President.


  1. Test. This is an anonymous comment.

  2. Please note that USD, which espouses its "identity" as a Catholic Institution, had no working sub-committee on the CIT. It was a "task force" appointed by Julie Sullivan, the report from which was hauled out only at the end of last year (spring) to interface with the CPC. Then that report from our sub-committee was not put forth in survey. It needed to be altered. By the "steering committee." WOW!
